With the summer months quickly approaching, we’ll all soon be looking for ways to stay cool and beat the heat. Air conditioning systems are perfect for getting a break from the sweltering summer sun, but running them all day can get rather pricey. To help keep your electric bill down this summer we’ve put together this list of ways to lower your AC costs.
Don’t Let The Sun In!
The more your house is exposed to direct sun, the hotter it will get, and the more overtime your AC units will have to put in. Try limiting sun exposure by covering windows with drapes or blinds or planting trees outside to provide some shade. Less direct sunlight means less work for your AC.
Upgrade And Insulate
Windows are the weakest points for heat exchange in your house, so upgrading your windows to ensure they are as insulating as possible will help maintain the temperature inside your house more efficiently. Similarly, making sure your walls and attic are properly insulated will help keep your house cool and comfortable.
Keep Your Systems Running Smoothly
No matter how efficiently you run your cooling systems, keeping them well maintained and clean will go a long way. Get your systems serviced at least once a year, and make sure to clean and replace your filters regularly; dust build-up can add undue stress to your ACs.
Automate Your Cooling
Perhaps the best and easiest way to lower your AC costs this summer is to get an automatic thermostat (this one works particularly well). You can program these to raise the temperature when you’re not at home and lower it when you’re sleeping so energy is conserved all while staying cool and comfortable.
Use Alternate Cooling Methods
ACs are great, but give them a break when you can! If it’s not sweltering hot, turn on ceiling fans if you have them, take a dip in a pool, or relax in the basement where it’s naturally cooler.
Use Your Grill
Using the oven creates a lot of heat in your house and can put a big strain on your AC systems. Instead of fighting the sun, get outside, and enjoy it a bit! Cooking outside on a grill a few times a week and keeping the heat outside where it belongs can help keep your house cool while limiting the strain on your AC system.
Does your system need some attention to get ready for the coming summer days? Let Air Design get your system ready!